Thursday, September 16, 2010

The Laws Of Leviticus

I rather like the notion of Plotz being an additional classmate to this endeavor of reading the bible. I see him as that kid who does all the reading and you can just read his notes for a general idea of any particular chapter. I'm very glad I read his notes on Leviticus, because I doubt I could have made it through on my own without some basic sense of what was happening. Throughout this reading I was constantly reminded of an episode of "The Simpsons" in which Marge asks Rev. Lovejoy if she should get a divorce from Homer. To which he responds with a simple, "Get a Divorce" a nervous Marge inquires, isn't that against the Bible. The Reverend then pick up his own copy asking, "Have you ever read this thing, technically we're not even allowed to go to the bathroom." This I think is the same attitude with which Plotz approaches his reading of the Bible. In this respect are we to have a bowl of salt next to us as we read this thing. Or should we take it literally, because it sound like it might be impossible to do, especially with all these contradictions.

One quote from Plotz's chapter three really spoke to me it goes, "We talk about the Bible as if there is only one. But if there's anything I've learned from these months with the Good Book, it's that we all have our own Bible. We linger on the passages we love and blot out, or argue, or skim the verses that repel us." You think of the extremeists who insist the Bible hates gays. You think of the exteremists who disragard the whole thing and live by thier own codes. Which is right, is there a right? Probably not, but maybe, who are we to decide. I think if anything is right, it has to be right in our own heads first, and then see if it fits into the world, cause we are all in this together. I'll leave you with a quote from a Steppenwolf song called "Rock Me"

"I don't know where we come from
Don't know where we're goin' to
But if all this should have a reason
We would be the last to know
So let's just hope there is a promised land
Hang on 'til then
As best as you can"

I know I will, will you?

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