Tuesday, August 31, 2010

A New Beginning

Well here we are a new semester and my last one, it's crazy to think I'll have a little piece of paper in a matter of months that says, I read and wrote alot over the past few years. But to me of course it's more than that. This is my second Sexson class and I'm excited to learn about the bible with his unique style of teaching. Last semester one of the books he had us read was The Four Quartets he told us to keep it with us always and produce it when we saw him. This summer I took it with me when I went hiking or really anywhere, reading it on top of mountain peaks, or on lake shores, I still read it at work. It seems I'm becoming addicted to this stuff, and the Dr. is the one to blame, and I thank him.

I personally have never read the bible just heard passages of it read at wedding and what not. I remember my dad reading me sections from the book of revalation, there was a part about a man who came and had a voice like rushing water, that passage stuck with me, I'll look for it as I read on. Needless to say this class will be a profound experince, one that like, emergent literature will alter my perceptions of the world and literature alike. My advice for the Sexson virgins, hold on tight, there will be a lot to see and think about, sometimes an overwhelming amount, but it will make sense if you take your time with it, read the blogs, and express your feeling in the blogs, and it will be one of the best classes you take in college.

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